References for Executive Function Coaching Brochure
“Executive function: skills for life and learning.” (2023) Center on the Developing Child. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. www.developingchild.harvard.edu Accessed August 17, 2023.
Househam, A.M., Solanto, M. (2016) Mindfulness as an intervention for ADHD. The ADHD Report, 24 (2), 1-13.
Kabot-Zinn, J. (2011) Some reflections on the origins of MBSR skillful means and the trouble with maps. Contemporary Buddhism, 12 (1), 281-306.
LDN 638 Engagement, self-regulation and motivation. (2023) Landmark College,
Putney, Vermont.
Quach, D., Mano, K., Alexander, K. (2016) A randomized controlled trial examining the effect of mindfulness mediation on working memory capacity in adolescents.
Journal of Adolescent Health 58, 489-496.
“Self-regulation in children and teenagers.” (2023) https://raisingchildren.net.au Accessed August 17, 2023.
Zoogman, S., Goldberg, S.B., Hoyt, W.T. et al. (2014) Mindfulness interventions with youth: a meta-analysis. Mindfulness 6, 290–302 .